Most Haunted : An Experience with a Difference!

most haunted experience ghost hunts

For fans of the TV series Most Haunted, the return of the show on the Really TV channel has been very welcome.

The latest series, in which Yvette Fielding, Karl Beattie and their team continue investigating haunted locations across the UK, has been met with positive reception from fans – with some hailing the latest episodes as their best yet.

Outside of the popular ghost-hunting show, what have lead investigators and presenters Yvette Fielding and Karl Beattie been up to? I spoke to the Most Haunted Experience manager, Jenny Bryant, who confirmed that the paranormal pair have been attending several haunted locations with fans.

I asked Byrant how the Most Haunted Experience came about. “It came about due to myself hiring Karl and Stuart for an event – we instantly hit it off. Myself and Karl discussed possible future events, and decided to create most the Haunted Experience.”

As most fans of the Most Haunted show are extremely supportive and devoted to Yvette and Karl, I wondered what the pair were like to work with. “The whole crew are great to work with: The love, loyalty, values, friendship and support has been awesome. We have become very close. I often say it’s like being in a cocoon; protected and supported,” said Byrant of the team.

With shows like Most Haunted, Ghost Adventures and Haunted Collector becoming favourites of those interested in studying the paranormal, as well as many groups advertising ghost-hunting events, I wondered if Byrant had any advice for people wishing to become involved in investigations. “My advice is to learn as much as possible. Research the paranormal first – and never mess around with things you don’t understand. Listening to others in the field, gaining knowledge is very important. Also go in with an open minded –  and not expecting too much from a location. After all, it is quite rare to actually see a ghost, or experience the paranormal.”

As someone who has attended an event myself with the Most Haunted crew, I am happy to say that taking part in an investigation with Yvette and Karl is a wonderful experience. Not only is their warmth, humour and attitude good to be around – but their respect and passion for the paranormal is truly evident when one works with them.

Jenny Bryant

Most Haunted Experience member, Jenny Byrant (above)

For those who are interested in learning more about the paranormal, or about the events associated with Most Haunted Experience, Byrant would love to hear from you:

To learn more about what we do on our events visit 

Have a look through the website or call myself on 07772804044. We at Most Haunted Experience can offer something no other team can – and that is Most Haunted. itself We can’t guarantee you something paranormal will happen, but we can guarantee you a fantastic fun filled night…We the MHE team are there to assist with expert knowledge..and advice…We show our guests in a structured environment what to do, and how to investigate. The guests love it with fab feedback by all.”

Thank you to the wonderful Jenny Byrant for helping readers understand more about the Most Haunted Experience – and congratulations to the Most Haunted team on the new series!

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